It is in your past that you discover who you are...

              American Swords, LLC.​​​​

The Freemans Journal
May 2, 1861

An excerpt involving the use of a sword....

St. Cloud Democrat

February 13, 1862

Below is evidence of the the roll of the sword as used as a rallying tool during Civil War.  It further highlights its enduring correlation with honor, glory and valor on the battlefield.

The Wellsboro Gazette
February 4, 1865

Presentation to Lieutenant Webb

New York Times November 4, 1861

Presentation to General McClellan where he announces the war will be short lived...

Presentations & News Press

This is a work in progress.  I am adding to it all of the time, so please check back!

Below are historical excerpts from newspapers taken from related to sword presentations.  If you happen to have any of the swords belonging to the recipients, please contact me.  It would be fantastic to have a picture of the sword to accompany the clipping!

The Adams Sentinel, December 6, 1864

Below is very interesting, if not harsh evidence, of other ways swords might have got one in trouble!

Interestingly enough, there is also a whole story on her in the National Archives: Sarah Hutchins

Reading Times February 18, 1863

Lieut. R.F. Kerr

Reading Times May 14, 1862

Lieut. Fricker

Reading Times May 14, 1862

Captain D.A Griffith

Pittston Gazette February 13, 1862

Colonel William Sirwell